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Grangetown Primary

school lunches at gps

School lunches

Our experienced kitchen team, led by Linda, prepare tasty meals for the children, based around the menus devised by Sunderland Schools' Catering Service. The menus are appealing and varied, and at the same time offer high nutritional standards. All of the meals are freshly cooked, on site at GPS.

Menu for September 2024

This menu will run throughout the school year 2024-2025.

School Meals are FREE for Reception, Years 1 and 2

If your child is in Reception, Years 1 or 2 then they are entitled to a free school meal - this is an annual saving of over £400 per child. However, we will still expect families to complete a free school meals application, as this can help enormously with our Pupil Premium funding.

For Little Butterflies, Nursery, and for Key Stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5, 6), the price of a school meal is £2.30

Please note the increase from £2.20 to £2.30, from September 2024. However, this is still one of the lowest priced school meals both regionally and nationally.

Special Diets

If your child has a special dietary need related to a medical condition, allergy or intolerance and you wish them to have a school meal, please provide a written request to your school from a doctor or dietician.