School Improvement Plan
- Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) sums-up our main priorities for the year, across a number of key areas.
- Our priorities match the needs of the school, because they are based on our on-going self-evaluation activities.
- The overall aim is to enhance teaching and learning, and to continue to raise standards of pupil achievement.
- We operate an ‘in focus’ system at GPS, whereby (usually) one curriculum subject each term is focused upon for additional focus and development. English and Maths are always 'in-focus'.
- Autumn Term 2024: Science
- Spring Term 2025: Computing & ICT
- Summer Term 2025: TBC
- If a subject is ‘in-focus’, the Coordinator receives extra non-contact time (for subject development & monitoring), and a staff meeting or twilight is dedicated to an aspect of the subject.
- English, Maths, EYFS and SEND are core elements of the SIP, and are always ‘in-focus’ (and each leader receives weekly non-contact time).
- We have decided as a school that PSHE and PE should feature prominently in our annual School Imp Plan, given the importance of personal development, well-being & physical/mental health.
- For other curriculum areas, each coordinator draws up a ‘light touch’ annual Action Plan (unless the subject is ‘in-focus’), and these subject leaders are provided with non-contact time so that they can develop and monitor their subject area – we call this ‘active maintenance’.
- Our SIP is a collaborative endeavour:
- Discussion in SLT and in Staff Meetings
- Discussion with Governors
- Subject Leaders' draft their Action Plans, leading to further discussion in SLT, Staff Meetings and with Governors.
- Valued input from the external partners we work with - for example TfC English, Maths and EYFS consultants, from our local Sports Partnership, and from our experienced Clerk to Governors.
- Where appropriate, input from our Parent Surveys, Pupil Surveys and from our School Council.
Summary of our 2024-25 SIP
The sections below are still in development. Check back during September 2024, as changes & updates will be added frequently.
Each of the areas below has a detailed Action Plan, in our School Improvement Plan (SIP), showing how we will achieve our aims and objectives, and also showing how we will monitor progress and evaluate outcomes.
Leadership & Management
To continue to develop and improve the quality and impact of leadership and management, across the school, and - in particular - to ensure consistently high quality teaching and learning.
- Finalise the review of our Quest Curriculum (which took place last year).
- Ensure consistently high-quality teaching and learning (high expectations, high engagement, strong outcomes, professional devt, monitoring & evaluation).
- Develop the skills & roles of subject leaders across the school, so that they make effective contributions to developing teaching & learning in their subject.
- Continue to develop role of TAs & Nursery Nurses, so that they make a highly effective contribution to teaching, learning & pupil progress.
- Continue to demonstrate support for staff well-being.
- Further develop the effectiveness of the Governing Board in supporting and challenging the school.
- Continue with our review of lunchtime behaviour (started in 2023-24).
Developing the GPS Governing Board
To continue to develop the effectiveness of the Governing Board in supporting and challenging the school, so that the school continues to develop and improve.
- Further develop the skills of FGB, to monitor, set goals, evaluate and review school improvement and pupil achievement.
- Ensure that Governors are engaged with school & know the school well – which in turn will give them the knowledge upon which to make judgements & decisions, & to hold school leaders to account.
- To ensure GB is at full strength, and that attendance remains strong.
- Raise awareness of the governor role within school and with parents.
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Assessment
To continue to develop and improve the quality of teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment.
- Raise attainment for all children by continuing to improve and develop the quality of teaching.
- Ensure that our 4 ECTs (2 x first year, 2 x second year) receive effective support, so that they are equipped to teach to a high standard.
- Keep our SIP under review, to ensure an organised and well-coordinated approach, thus ensuring each priority is carefully accommodated within our ongoing schedule of meetings, and that non-contact time is provided where appropriate. This way, all ongoing developments will be manageable and ‘doable’.
- Ensure that TA support in school has a positive impact on the progress and attainment of identified children
- Review existing Assessment systems, to ensure: that assessment is well-structured, & that it provides ongoing diagnostic information, as well as periodical summative snapshots of progress & attainment, and that this information is well-used.
To raise the attainment of SEND children and ensure that children with SEND make similar rates of progress as their non-SEND peers. To ensure early identification and appropriate support for children with SEND. To ensure that support for children with SEND is appropriate to meet their identified, specific needs.
To be added
To raise standards and ensure our EY provision is of a high quality.
To be added
To raise standards in reading and writing, and ensure good or accelerated progress for all children.
To be added.
To raise standards and accelerate progress in Mathematics.
To be added.
- T
To ensure an effective approach to PSHE, across the school.
To be added
Personal Development and Behaviour
To support pupils’ readiness for and engagement with school and learning. To promote emotional health and well-being to help children understand and express their feelings, and build their confidence and emotional resilience and their capacity to learn.
To be added.
To develop the planning and teaching of science across school, ensuring we have a coherent & engaging curriculum which utilises outdoor learning opportunities around our school and in our local area
Physical Education
To ensure the profile of PE and sport across school remains high by continuing to raise the outcomes for all children through high quality PE provision as well as increasing the engagement of all pupils in daily physical activity and ensuring all children have a positive approach towards an active and healthy lifestyle.
To ensure that we have a well-structured curriculum across the school, designed to enhance teaching and learning in Computing.
To continue to develop leadership, teaching & learning in history, and ensure that the Quest curriculum is fully embedded throughout KS1 and KS2.
To further develop leadership, teaching and learning in Geography and ensure that gaps in learning are addressed.
To further develop leadership, curriculum, teaching and learning in Art, to ensure a positive impact upon pupil engagement and achievement.
Religious Education
To continue to develop the RE curriculum across school, exposing children to new concepts, visits and visitors whilst developing their knowledge of the prominent religions in the North East.
Design Technology
To further develop leadership, curriculum teaching and learning in Design Technology, to enhance pupil engagement and achievement.
To continue to develop our high-quality French curriculum, so that pupils enjoy learning French and to optimise pupil achievement in French
We appointed a new Music teacher and coordinator in September 2024. Once this teacher is settled at GPS, an Action Plan will be produced.
An even more concise Summary of our Key Priorities for 2024-25!
1. Curriculum, Teaching, Learning
3. English and Maths
5. Science