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Grangetown Primary

SEND (Special educational needs & disabilities)

At GPS we value the contribution each and every child makes to our school community.  Our inclusive ethos aims to ensure that all children can access a broad and balanced curriculum and that each child will make progress, and reach their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. In doing so, we carefully plan to meet the special educational and / or additional needs of all children. Our school is fully accessible and provides a warm and welcoming learning environment. Our SENDCo is Mrs L Russell (Deputy Headteacher).

SEND Policies

SEND Information Report

Schools utilise the LA Local Offer to meet the needs of SEND pupils as determined by school policy and the provision that the school is able to provide. Schools refer to this as 'The Special Education Needs Information Report'.

Our SEND Information Report is here.

Agencies we work with in SEND

We work with a range of other agencies and professionals, as part of our delivery of SEND:

  • Sunderland Together for Children
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Autism Outreach team
  • Physiotherapy
  • Educational Psychologist – Angela Price
  • Counselling Service – IMPACT North East
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Children and Young People Service (CYPS
  • Mental Health Support Team (MHST).