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Grangetown Primary

'SportS Premium' funding

Sports at GPS













Physical education and sport play an important part in the life of our school. They have many positive effects on children’s emotional as well as their physical health. Participation in sport helps children to learn about key values such as teamwork, fair play and respect for themselves and others.

The Government provides annual 'Sport Premium' funding for schools, aimed at improving the quality of PE and sport provision. Our Sports Premium Action Plans for this year and last year are here:

Our Awards for PE and Sport

  • Gold award in Sunderland Active Schools Charter, every year since 2018.
  • Gold award in the Schools Games Mark, every year since 2019.

We use the Sport Premium to improve the quality of PE and Sport provision in the following ways:

  • We invest in high-quality visiting sports coaches to run clubs and to contribute to the curriculum.
  • We are part of a local sports partnership of schools, designed to provide increased sporting opportunities for children as well as professional development opportunities for staff - we have bought into an annual Service Level Agreement offered by this partnership.
  • We have improved the range of equipment and resources in school
  • We send our staff on high quality PE CPD where they can develop their subject specific knowledge and confidence for delivering PE
  • We subscribe to an online platform to support our teachers when planning PE units
  • We take part in the Sunderland Schools Dance Festival, held annually at the Empire Theatre.
  • We take part in many annual competitions such as the Sunderland Schools Skipping Festival, the Gymnastics Festival and the Swimming Gala.
  • We have purchased an annual subscription to Jumpstart Jonny, an online series of lively, fun 5-minute exercise routines, which teachers use with the children every day.
  • Annually, we send our Y5 children to Leadership Training where they learn new skills and apply these when supporting coaches during lunch times and play times. The children receive Leaders t-shirts to wear when they are in role. The children develop confidence and can be involved in physical activity as an official rather than just a participant. 

We have several Sports Clubs, led on a voluntary basis by our own staff or by visiting coaches

  • Football 
  • Dance 
  • Change4Life 
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Cricket

We have an Annual Residential Trip - Outdoor Activities in the Lake District

  • We have a long-established annual residential weekend in the Lake District, at Derwent Hill, for years 4-6. During this weekend, the children get to experience a range out outdoor activities including canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, the 'rope challenge and big swing', abseiling, hill walking, orienteering and hiking - phew!

We promote Active Travel

  • We take part in Walkwise. This is an annual scheme which is also run by Sunderland Council which provides our Y1 children with weekly road safety lessons where they get to go out and about around the local area and learn about staying safe and road awareness for pedestrians. 

We like to get active!

  • KS2 children participate in timetabled movement breaks where they run/jog around the field to increase their levels of activity.
  • All classes use Jump Start Jonny several times each week, and can choose between a workout, chillout or challenge. The children are always very keen to complete a challenge video!
  • We purchased high quality playground equipment for children to access during break and lunch times. This promotes activity levels and keeps the children busy. 


  • We are involved in the Sunderland Change4Life programme (and its predecessor, the LAF scheme - Lifestyle, Activity and Food). Workshops and special assemblies have been held, to engage our children (and families) in ways to keep fit and healthy.

We have an Annual 'Health Week'

  • A full 'themed week', every July, focused on being healthy and safe. Lessons are planned around health and fitness themes, visiting coaches run special sessions and we hold our Sports Day.