Year 3 - Mrs bewick
Some of the children in this class were in Mrs Bracknall's & Mrs Mitchell's class in Autumn Term (before Y3 became one class) - that web page is here.
Important things to remember:
- Please remember to bring in reading books and home/school diaries every day. Children are expected to read at home at least 3 times a week. Please sign your child's Home School Diary when you have listened to them read.
- Reading books will be changed on a Monday and/or a Thursday.
- Learning at Home folders should be returned on a Thursday and new work will be given out on a Friday.
- If you have music lessons, please remember your violin every Tuesday.
- Change For Life is on a Monday lunchtime. Please bring PE kits to school to change into.
- Our PE day is on a Tuesday. Children can come to school already in their PE kit. Please ensure the correct PE kit is worn along with suitable, non-marking footwear or plimsoles (not black soled trainers). Jewellery should not be worn on this day and please make sure hair is tied back.
- Water bottles should be brought in to school every day.
This month, in Year 3, we have enjoyed World Book Day. We created a design of our favourite book on a t-shirt. Then we had an action packed day carrying out a number of book related activities before finishing off our day with a book swap. We shared our favourite books with some of the children in Nursery who enjoyed listening to us read. During Science week, we enjoyed an afternoon with Science Buddies. We investigated the power of electricity using a plasma ball and light bulbs. Who know we could light up a bulb with our hands! We then inflated a balloon using vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and a water bottle.
Year 3 will be swimming this half term. The children will begin with understanding water safety before building on their current water skills. We enjoyed another fabulous disco here at Grangetown. The children had lots of fun as well as some great dance moves! In Science, we have been working on forces. The children enjoyed investigating with a variety of magnets and understanding their strengths. During Art, we looked at the artist Paul Klee. The children researched a range of the artists paintings and then attempted to recreate their own version.
Year 3 have enjoyed the opportunity to try out some of the new equipment installed at Grangetown. We are sure they can't wait to tell you all about it! During ICT, the children are working on their 3D design skills. Over the coming weeks, they will build on their prior knowledge carrying out a number of tasks. Finishing off our ICT topic, we will refresh our Internet Safety knowledge.
The children have enjoyed another fun filled month this month. Whilst working extremely hard during their lessons, they have also rehearsed for the Christmas Performance in readiness for grown ups to come along and enjoy the show! During Maths, the children have enjoyed the opportunity to learn with a hands on approach to learning by completing Magical Maths tasks.
Year 3 have had another action packed month! During Science this half term, Year 3 worked on the topic 'Rocks'. They began by gathering and then sorting through rocks in order of appearance and size. Over the following weeks, the children then set up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests to find out if rocks were permeable or impermeable. The children enjoyed discovering how fossils were formed as well as investigating a range of fossils.
Year 3 have had a fabulous October! In DT, the children finished their Pneumatics topic by creating their very own moving fox. The children observed a number of systems before deciding the air pressure method would work best for their designs. During Maths, the children have moved on to Addition and Subtraction. During English, the children wrote their first five part narrative based on our class text ‘The Fox and the Star’.
In English, we have been looking at the story of ‘The Fox and the Star’. They have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the illustrations and the accompanying narrative about a lonely fox who builds a friendship with a star in the night sky. The children are using their knowledge from the book to create their own four part narrative with a forest animal of their choosing. In Design and Technology, linked to our stories, the children are creating their own pneumatic animal using a balloon and syringe to make it move. We can’t wait to see the finished products. Year 3 have really enjoyed PE this half term and have been learning new skills linked to Tennis. They have loved playing games to practise these skills and work together as a team. Year 3 have also enjoyed their first visit to Broomhouse Farm. We looked at autumn changes around the farm and then met some of the animals as well as the farmers.