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Grangetown Primary

Year 2 - Mrs Roberts



  • Monster Phonics reading books and sharing books are changed every Monday
  • These books should be brought into school everyday
  • Children are expected to read at least three time per week with an adult at home
  • Books will only be changed if the home school diary has been signed three times
  • If you would like to know more about Monster Phonics click here


  • PE is on a Friday and the children can wear their school PE kit all day 
  • No jewellery to be worn

Learning at home

  • Learning at home jobs are sent home on a Friday and should be returned the following Thursday.
  • These jobs will focus on spelling, handwriting, reading and times tables.

Autumn 1

 The Great Fire of London

This half term in history we are learning about the events of The Great Fire of London. So far we have learned that the fire started in September 1666 in a bakery shop in Pudding Lane. The fire spread quickly because after a long hot summer,  the houses were made of wood and very dry. The wind carried the flames from one house to another. People tried lots of ways to stop the fire but it took them nearly 4 days to put it out. Did you know there was no fire service in those days? Watch this space to see examples of our work.



As part of our English we took part in a drama lesson where the children and adults took on the roles of different people who lived during this time. First all of the children were families that lived in Pudding Lane where the fire started. Miss Duggan played the role of a reporter who wanted all the details for her newspaper report. The children were very good at recalling the events. Next 2 of our children took on the role of a husband and wife who lived next door to the bakery. They were very good at explaining what happened and how it made them feel. The children thoroughly enjoyed the lesson and I was very proud of the children’s. 

Autumn 2

St Aidan's Church Visit

We had a great time at St Aidan’s church this half term. We met Father David who told us lots of different ways that Christian’s show their love to God. He told us a story about how Jesus washed his friend’s feet to show he was no more important than anyone else. The children watched as Dave the Minion got his feet washed. We even tried the special bread given at Communion. The children were a credit to GPS with their excellent behaviour and very sensible questions.


To help us with retelling the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' in writing, we went into the hall to act out the story in groups. The children were very good at taking on the roles of the goats and troll. As you can see in the pictures we took this very seriously!



As part of our PE sessions we visited Farringdon Academy to take part in a trampolining and games session. The children really enjoyed learning the different moves.


Spring 1

 3D Shapes

As part of our shape topic in maths we explored the properties of 3D shapes. We looked at edges, sides and vertices. In order to help us count vertices the children were challenged to create different 3D shapes using cocktail sticks and mini marshmallows. They worked together in teams and all were very successful.

Science Bods

It was once again time for our annual visit from the dance students from Sunderland University. This time we were joined by the Science Bods. They taught us all about our world through dance and performance. The children learnt about animals, weather and seasons. After watching an excellent performance the children took part in workshops where they played games through movement.


Spring 2


Our topic in computing this half term has been digital art. We used the app Pixilart to create images of our favourite cartoon characters. Once we had mastered the skills needed to create something in this style we then moved onto designing and creating our own characters.

RE- The Easter Story

In RE we have been learning about Holy Week and why it is special to Christians. We started by looking at Palm Sunday and why Christians use palm leaves to celebrate this day. We even created our own palm leaves by weaving different colours through the centre of them. Next, the children learnt about the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus and how he rose again. We discussed how this linked to new life and what signs of new life we could see in the Spring time. We explored how Easter is celebrated in churches and the special symbols linked to this.


Summer 1


We love drama in Y2NR! To help us get to know the setting and characters in our new English text, the children took part in some role playing. We first imagined what it would be like to live in a wooden house, on the beach when a storm raged. We then did some freeze framing to explain the characters thoughts and feelings.