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Grangetown Primary

YearS 1 & 2 - Miss Tose

Welcome to Year 1! This year we have 18 wonderful children in our class and this page is where we will share our learning journey with you all! Here you will find reminders, photographs, examples of work and you will see just how much fun we have in Year 1 whilst learning important information and new skills. 



  • Monster Phonics reading books and sharing books are changed when your child reads their book 3x at home. Please remember to sign the home link book each time your child reads! 
  • These books should be brought into school everyday so books can be changed and notes can be added to your child's home link book.
  • Children are expected to read at least three time per week with an adult at home
  • Remember to also read books for pleasure! Bedtime stories are the best and develop your child's understanding, vocabulary and language!
  • If you would like to know more about Monster Phonics click here


  • PE will be on a Wednesday, and the children can wear their school PE kit to school. You can also bring your PE kit into school if you would prefer your child to change in school.
  • No jewellery to be worn! Please remove earring studs on the morning of PE.
  • Please remember to tie long hair up! 


At Grangetown, our goal is to ensure that children are confident, fluent and independent readers. We want children to be excited about reading and have a passion for reading. 

Reading develops language skills and vocabulary.. It helps to build focus and concentration as well as improving writing skills. It is also an enjoyable activity which can be shared with anyone who is willing to listen. 

Could we ask that parents try to read with their child at least 3x a week at home. It really does make a difference and your children love showing off their reading skills!



July 2024: Visit to Souter Lighthouse

In Year 1 we have been learning all about Grace Darling and Sunderland Coastlines. We have used our iPads to research and find out lots of facts, but then we thought what better way to find out more than going to visit a real beach and lighthouse!

We got on the bus and drove all along the coast to get to Souter Lighthouse. When we got there we had some wonderful guides who showed us around and explained the history of the lighthouse and how it works. We were so brave and climbed to the very top of the lighthouse to see the big light that warns ships! We talked about how this would have been different when Grace Darling lived in a lighthouse. Rather than being lit up by a bulb, they would have used an oil lamp!

To finish off our trip we headed down to the beach and got an ice cream! It started to rain but that didn’t stop us from playing in the sea! We all had a great time!

Phonics Screening Check 

A huge well done to all of the children on an amazing effort during Phonics Screening check. You all did fantastic and we are so proud of you all!

June 2024: Visit to Hendon Beach 

 In English, Year 1 and 2 are writing non chronological reports all about beaches and coastlines. We have a beautiful beach on our schools doorstep so decided to go and explore it. We walked across to Hendon beach and luckily it was a beautiful sunny morning. When we walked onto the beach and looked through the stones we found some beautiful sea glass which was lovely shades of green. We then walked along the beach and explored the rock pools. We found anemones stuck to the side of rocks and a crab hiding under a rock. We also spotted jumping shrimp and found clam shells. We found out lots of information about beaches and rock pools to add to our non chronological reports and had a lovely morning in the process!

May 2024: Visit to Hendon Community Allotments

Year 1 visited Hendon Community Allotments for the second time in May to see what had changed and what was growing and what was ready to harvest.

When we arrived, Sophie and John showed us the rhubarb that was growing in abundance. They snapped some off and gave it to us to take back to school. We then looked in the polytunnel and saw that there were strawberries, lettuce, beetroot and corn growing. We helped sow lettuce seeds and were given some tomato plants to bring back to school. One of our tomato plants has just recently started flowering so we are excited to see what will happen next! Once back at school, we dipped the rhubarb into sugar and ate it. We all thought it was delicious!

 April 2024: Litter picking with Back on the map

Year 1 had a brilliant time t with Back on the Map. We first had a workshop all about littering and recycling- we didn’t realise there is so much you can recycle and reuse! We then went out into the local area and took part in a litter pick. We found SO much rubbish around our school. We decided that we need to take action. We are making posters to encourage people to use bins which you will see in the local area in the upcoming few weeks. We are also going to be writing instructions on how to recycle to take home with us. Thank you to Back on the Map for an amazing session and for highlighting the issue in our local area!

 March 2024: Visit to Hendon Community Allotments 

We had an amazing visit to Hendon Community Allotments! We met John and Sophie who showed us what was being done to prepare the allotments for new seeds. We saw rhubarb growing, beetroot, potatoes and turnip. We smelt all of the herbs and used tools to help pull weeds and turn over the soil ready for planting. We are going back in summer to see what is growing! Huge thank you to Sophie and John for letting us visit!

 March 2024: Old School Day 

We have had an amazing old school day! We were greeted by our strict teachers with a porridge breakfast. We then explored artefacts from the old school and rearranged our classroom to look like an old class. We learnt how to bow and curtesy to the teacher. After play we had a handwriting lesson using chalks and chalkboards. We then had an egg and spoon race! What a fabulous day we have had, topped off by a brilliant parent workshop!

 February 2024: Pancake Day!

We celebrated pancake day in Year 1 by hosting a pancake breakfast! We chose the toppings we wanted on our pancakes and had a delicious breakfast! 

 January 2024: Gymnastics

This half term, we have been learning a range of skills linked to Gymnastics. We have learnt how to make basic key shapes such as star and tuck. We learnt how to balance well using excellent coordination and concentration skills and made a sequence of 3 balances and 3 key shapes. We even showcased them to the rest of the class! 

January 2024: Digital Art 

As part of our Computing curriculum, Year 1 have to create digital art. We used 'iLearn2' to create some wonderful mosaic art using pixels. We learnt how to change the colour of each pixel and create different patterns and images. We really enjoyed this job and have created some amazing art work! 

 December 2023: Healthy Teeth Workshop 

The school nurse came to visit Year 1. Our session was all about healthy teeth and how brushing your teeth and eating certain foods make your teeth nice and strong! We used a huge toothbrush and practiced brushing and cleaning some large teeth! Huge thanks to Amy for coming in to speak with us!

November 2023: Bird Workshop at Backhouse Park 

We recently visited Backhouse Park to take part in a birds workshop in connection with International Community Organisation of Sunderland. We were taken around the park and used a very special telescope to spot different types of birds. We spotted Geese, green parakeets and wood pigeons. 


  October 2023 Visit to St Aidan's Church 

Year 1 had an amazing time visiting St Aidan's church to learn all about Baptism! Father David showed us all of the objects he would use during a baptism. We smelt the oils, held the candle and looked down into the font. We watched as Father David baptised Dave the Minion! We learnt lots of new information and came back to school full of knowledge!

October 2023 Angela's Ark 

Angela came to visit Year 1 with her animals! This linked to our Science where we were learning about animal groups and their diets. Angela was a fountain of knowledge! She told us which animal belonged to which group, where they live and what they eat. We got to hold each animal and were very brave when holding the snake! 


 September 2023: Dear Zoo 

The first book we will be delving into is Dear Zoo. This is a familiar book for all of the children as they will have read this book in Reception! We will be learning lots of new adjectives to describe animals and will be practising using full stops in our sentences. We will link the book to Science, where we learn all about mammals, amphibians, birds, fish and reptiles. We will also explore what a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore is! Here is a run down of what we will be learning in our other subjects too:

Maths: Place Value to 10

RE: Christianity

Geography: Our local area

Art: Drawing- Pablo Picasso

PE: Dance (a Lion King special!)

Computing: Mouse and Keyboard Skills 

Music: Introducing beat

September 2023: Backhouse Park

As part of our Science curriculum, we learn about the changes we can spot in each season. We decided to go to Backhouse Park to see what signs of Autumn we could spot. We found leaves had began changing colour and falling from the trees. We found conkers and acorns and saw squirrels foraging for food for the winter.