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Grangetown Primary

Little Butterflies Nursery

Little Butterflies

Hello and welcome to Little Butterflies Nursery! 

We are the youngest members of the Grangetown Primary School family, catering for children aged 2 - 3 years.  If you are interested in joining the Butterfly gang, you can pick up an application form from the school office or you can pop into Nursery to speak to a member of staff. 

About Little Butterflies Nursery

At Little Butterflies Nursery we aim to provide a happy, safe and stimulating  environment for children to explore, investigate and learn. We believe that by providing support, praise and encouragement, the children will be able to flourish and reach their full potential. 

To ensure the best possible start for the children we follow a play based approach to learning in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. By closely observing the interests of our children, our practitioners are able to create a fun, stimulating and meaningful learning environment that sparks curiosity and encourages independence. 

Meet the Team

                 Helen - Acting Room Lead                                Donna - Nursery Nurse                           

                 staff                                   DC            



Session times and Prices

Little Butterflies provided places for 2 - 3 year old children. As we work to a ratio of 1:4 we are able to offer 12 morning places and 8 afternoon places. We also provide full days to a limited amount of children depending on availability. 

For families who are eligible, we offer FREE 15 hour places. Families have the option to choose either Morning/afternoon sessions or if it is more suitable 2.5 days. Children who attend a full day session can pay £2.20 per day for a school dinner or if preferred can bring in a packed lunch.  If your child receives a school dinner, the additional £2.20 per day will be added to the total cost.

Session  Time  Daily Rate  Weekly Rate 
AM 8:45 - 11:45 £15 £75
PM 12:30 - 3:30 £15 £75
Full Day  8:45 - 3:30  £30 £150

We encourage good attendance and punctuality at Little Butterflies Nursery. We have found that sticking to your child's Nursery routine helps your child to feel happy, safe and settled. 

If your child is not attending their session please inform the school office of their absence.

If you will be late to collect your child please call the school office to let us know. 

Termly intakes 

At Little Butterflies we welcome new children on a termly basis. We have 3 school terms - September, January and April. Your child will be able to access their place at Nursery the term after they turn 2. 

If you are eligible for FREE 15 hours you will need to apply for your code the term before your child is due to start. You MUST inform us off their code before they begin their sessions. 

Snacks & Refreshments

We provide a variety of delicious and nutritious snacks for the children including fresh fruit, toast and pancakes. We also offer a range of drinks such as milk, and fresh fruit juice.

We also enjoy baking and cooking with our Little Butterflies and love to eat our tasty treats!

If your child has any dietary requirements please inform a member of staff and we can find an alternative. 

Your Child's Progress

Sharing your children's progress and achievements are vitally important to us. There are a range of ways that we communicate your child's progress with you: 

  • Weekly updates/ monthly newsletters
  • Termly parent/ teacher consultations 
  • Tapestry - Our online Learning Journeys: When you fill out your registration forms it would included a letter about Tapestry and an accompanying consent form. We will create a secure account with the details you provide us which enables us to upload photographs, observations and reports relating to your child's time with us. As a parent this allows you to view exciting achievements via a computer or smart phone. 
  • Open Door Policy: All of our staff are happy to answer any queries or questions during drop off and pick up times. More lengthy meeting can be arranged usually for that week or you can also email and phone us at any time.


Could we remind parents and carers to bring the following items in their child's bag:

  • Spare clothes - top, trousers, underwear, socks, etc 
  • Extra spare clothes if your child is toilet training 
  • A water bottle 
  • Nappies, wipes and cream 
  • Wellies - these can be left at nursery 
  • Slippers - these can be left at nursery 
  • Hat, scarf and gloves in the winter 
  • Sun hat, sunglasses and sun cream in the spring/ summer. 
  • A coat appropriate for the weather.   


We have had an amazing start to the new school year. We love how well all the children have returned to nursery happy and settled. We have made lots of new friends and we are enjoying getting to know them. This month we have focused on one of our core stories "Owl Babies" the children have really enjoyed it and can already join in with parts of the story. We have also had some new indoor climbing equipment added to our sensory area. The children have really enjoyed playing on this !

       owl babies      F side    O ourside


                              E water         A bridge


We have loved going for Autumn walks this month. We have been to Back House park and also explored our school grounds going on listening walks and hunting for apples and berries. The children walked fantastic using their listening ears when staff spoke to them. We can't wait to take the children on their next adventure out.

We finished the month off by dressing up for Halloween the children had lots of fun at the school disco. We had our own little party where the children bobbed for apples, decorated spooky biscuits and enjoyed some yummy party food !

            pic collage


This month we have been talking about Diwali and how it is celebrated. We have made our own Rangoli patterns on our arms, used chalks to draw patterns on the black card and also used the coloured rice to make patterns. We tried some yummy Indian food, the children loved the rice and poppadum's the best. We also made our own Diwali lamps to take home they looked beautiful.

We took part in Antibullying week. We all wore our odd socks to support this. We bought some yummy biscuits to give to all our friends in reception as an act of kindness.

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We have had such a magical month full of Christmas activities. We had a fun parents workshop, the children loved having their special adult come into nursery. We also took part in our first nativity Whoops-A-Daisy Angel. All the children did an amazing  job learning all the songs and actions. We hope you all have a magical Christmas !

                                  pic coll



                                  pic coll 1



This month we have been learning about The Gingerbread Man story. The children have loved this story and are able to help us read it by joining in at the repeated phrases. We have turned our role play area into the Butterfly Bakery, the children have made salt dough cakes and pastries. We have been baking and making some yummy rock buns. We have visited our local bakeries and bought some special treats for our snack time. We have had a very busy few weeks !


   shop     shop 2




 We have had such a busy month in the Little Butterflies we have learnt all about the Chinese New Year story and all the different animals that were in the race. We tried painting Chinese numbers in black paint. We tried some yummy food curry, rice, noodles and prawn crackers. Everyone had a try but I think everyone loved the prawn crackers !

We also made some heart shaped biscuits for Valentine's Day.

For Pancake Day everyone chose their own toppings to put on their pancakes I think the chocolate spread was a big hit.




We had a lovely visit from Angela's Ark this  month. She brought lots of her animal fiends to meet  us. Angela told us a little bit about each animal before we met them. We held two cute hedgehogs, three different snakes, two fluffy bunnies, a blue tonged lizard and African snails. Some children were very brave and held the snake, we had one very brave boy who had the snake around his neck ! Angela was very impressed at all the Little Butterflies. She told us they were very gentle with her animals and she couldn't wait to come and see us again. Well done Little Butterflies.




This month the Little Butterflies have been reading Oliver's Vegetables. Linked to the story we have been talking about and naming the different vegetables found in Grandad's garden. We have practised our chopping and cooking skills in the role play area by exploring carrots, mushrooms, apples and coriander. We have even had a go at growing some cress which has started to sprout and we have planted a beautiful clematis in the garden ! One of our favourite activities was vegetable printing with the paint ! It was a very messy job  but together the children created a beautiful piece of art that we will display proudly in our Nursery. We wonder what else this  lovely topic will bring ...







After the Easter holidays the children were surprised to see some frogspawn living in our nursery. Over the last half term we have been caring for our frogspawn and regularly been checking their progress. Not long after they arrived, our frogspawn hatched and became tadpoles.  We've noticed that they really enjoy swimming! Recently our tadpoles have grown their arms and legs and have become froglets. We are excited to see what happens next and are planning a trip to Backhouse park to release them.

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This month the Little Butterflies have enjoyed reading one of our favourite core stories, 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' Inspired by the story, we decided to go on our very own bear hunt to Backhouse Park. The Butterflies loved retelling the story by making their way through the swishy, swashy grass, splashing in the deep dark woods before finding a bear hiding in the woods ! To celebrate a successful bear hunt we decided  to celebrate with a teddy bears picnic eating lots of delicious teddy bear toast with chocolate spread, bananas, blueberries and strawberries. It has been such a lovely month. I wounder what we get up to next month....